Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Soy Substitutes

I love finding subs for things so that I can use "real" recipes instead of making things with just a limited bunch of choices (like a plain meat, plain rice, and plain veggies). Here you can find these great soy substitutes.

"The following is a general guide to using ingredient substitutions for soy allergy. Please verify the ingredients and safety of any products named to ensure that it is safe for your child’s unique allergy issues. 

Substitutes for Soy Oil
Soy oil can be substituted with another oil safe for the allergies you are managing. Canola oil has a mild flavor and is a good substitute for baked goods or desserts, while oils with a distinct flavor such as corn oil or olive oil can be substituted in savory dishes.

Substituting for Soy Margarines

Soy-free margarines can be substituted with real butter if you are not managing a milk allergy. For those needing a milk- and soy-free margarine (that is also free of soy oil and soy lecithin), the only options are Earth Balance Soy Free Natural Buttery Spread and Kosher for Passover margarines that are available in the early months of each year when makers of Kosher margarines reformulate their products to be free of legumes. At other times of year, the Kosher margarines will have soy in them, so read packaging carefully. Kosher for Passover margarines freeze well. If you purchase in bulk and double wrap, you can buy a supply that will last from one year to the next. Some Kosher web sites, such, may have Passover margarine available throughout the year. Be sure to verify the ingredients to make sure it is the Kosher for Passover version.

Substituting for Soy Sauce

Soy sauce in recipes generally serves the purpose of adding a salty flavor, so any substitute used should have a salty flavor to impart the same quality to a recipe. There is a chick pea-based miso available from South River Miso that works well.

Other options to try that will impart a unique flavor with a salty component are olive brine, umeboshi vinegar (also called ume plum vinegar) or balsamic vinegar plus a fair amount of salt.

Fresh Chili Garlic Sauce is a substitute for soy sauce
(For Family Member Star KFA Family Members)

Substituting for Teriyaki Sauce

Teriyaki sauce is another sauce for which there is no true replacement; however, two other options to try are a sweet and sour sauce if you can find one with ingredients safe for the allergies you are managing, or a combination of balsamic vinegar, orange juice, white or brown sugar, water, olive oil and pepper.

Substituting for Soybean Paste (Miso)

For recipes calling for soybean paste, non-soy-based miso pastes are available that are made of chick peas and rice or azuki beans and rice from South River Miso."


  1. I love coconut aminos or coconut seasoning, which is what the label shows up here in Canada. It's slightly sweeter then soy sauce and not as salty. Coconut Secrets is the brand I used most!

    1. I love coconut aminos! I didn't know that it is called coconut seasoning in Canada. Thanks for the tip!
